Saturday, 10 July 2010

World Cup 2010; Psychic squid Paul writes for IBWM!

"ten squid on Spain....I said, ten squid on Spain!"

With a direct link from his erm, pad, at the Sea Life Aquarium at downtown Oberhausen; Paul, the psychic squid, has written for IBWM a not selling out at all piece.....

Hi sports fans!  

It's always tough when your team drops out of the World Cup, and I've already watched England (spent my early years in Weymouth) and my adopted Germany miss out in South Africa, but there's still plenty excitement to come!

Much as I would have loved to see Germany in the final, that feeling just went though my tentacles....I said tentacles...and I just had to plump for Spain.

And do you know what else? I really fancy Spain to 'tank' Holland too.  I've not been wrong so far, so if you fancy a piece of the action, why not get a few 'squid' on Espana for Sunday?  And who better to place your bet with than Bet365 who have joined up with this site.

You can click the (l)ink on the right and they'll help you through the whole process.  Don't miss out and I'll 'sea' you again soon!