Monday, 7 June 2010


Casual.  Casuals.  It's Casual day.

Don't just take my word for it, it's officially casual day; so says top Argentine Sports Daily 'Ole!'.

But not for you and me mind, dear reader, oh no.  We'll have to don our beige slacks, fancy neckerchiefs and pastel coloured polo shirts some other time.  Casual day is for El Diego and his merry men only.

Having endured an already lengthy stint staring at hotel room walls in between kick abouts and regular sessions munching chicken and beans, Argentina's seleccion have had a day off.

So while those slacks and polo shirt might have to remain in the IBWM wardrobe, Carlos Tevez donned his and was first out the door, predictably hitting the clubs and getting his balls whacked........on the golf course, that is.  Several others, including Messi and Veron, hung around waiting for family or their respective partners to arrive, while the rest stayed back and played on their PlayStation.  Bless. 

My favourite piece though came from, a side website for national paper la nacion.  They caught up with Newcastle's Jonas Gutierrez, out on a clothes shopping spree;

"Why, ah needed some new gear like, ah never brought nowt man!........ this stuff ah've got on belongs to Di Michelis.........the lanky twat!!!"

 "why ah look a reet knob, man!"

Maintaining the casual theme, a large number of the Barra Bravas, a bit like your Argentine ICF, with a fair bit more of political leaning, were picked up and despatched back home by the South African forces earlier today.  

No real complaints from your average football fans about that, although the Jo'burg Stone Island shop was now bracing itself for a difficult month.